Creative Design Studio - Web design studio. Web sites design, developing, Internet advancement, search engines optimization. Professional web design affordable web design 1c configuration web-design.

Here you can view our collages. It`s all made as wallpapers with suitable resolution. Every work has a date when it was published. To view the collage just click on the link with the resolution you like.
| Name: See The Beauty... Comments: To love is to see the beauty invisible for others. Fransua Moriak. Girl on photo: Irina Vorobyeva. Date: Jul2005 the 17, 2005 Resolution: [800x600] [1024x768] [1600x1200] |
| Name: Windows XB Comments: Most have Windows XP but we`ve got a special edition for Easter. Date: Ma2005 the 1, 2005 Resolution: [800x600] [1024x768] [1600x1200] |
| Name: Full Color Design Comments: The three main graphical colors on asphalt... Date: March the 26, 2005 Resolution: [800x600] [1024x768] [1600x1200] |
| Name: Welcome Home Date: Februar2005 the 12, 2005 Resolution: [800x600] [1024x768] [1600x1200] |
| Name: Digitized The Bird Comments: The digital era did not left place for anything natural... Date: Januar2005 the 15, 2005 Resolution: [800x600] [1024x768] [1600x1200] |
| Name: Alone Comments: Being lonely in not the same as being without anybody near by. Date: Januar2005 the 5, 2005 Resolution: [800x600] [1024x768] [1600x1200] |
| Name: After The Ball Comments: One more wallpaper with Ekaterina Kuznecova. Date: November the 15, 2004 Resolution: [800x600] [1024x768] [1600x1200] |

Creative Design Studio - Web design studio. Web sites design, developing, Internet advancement, search engines optimization. Affordable web design professional web design web-design 1c configuration.